Inspired by the works of Janelle Monae, The Electric Lady centers around Android Number 57821, otherwise known as Cindi Mayweather. One night after performing at The Electric Sheep, Cindi tragically falls in love with the human Anthony Greendown. When the Ministry of Droids is notified of this forbidden android-human affair, Cindi and Anthony have no choice but to run. The Electric Lady brings to you a modern telling of a classic star-crossed tale.
Tickets at the door are $25
All attendees must present their printed ticket at box office upon arrival to receive performance program. The program is your ticket to the performance. Attendees will not be permitted into the theater without a program.
No refunds or exchanges available.
Tickets not claimed 10 minutes prior to start of each performance will be released to the waitlist with no refund given.
For questions, please contact the box office at 212.505.0886.